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New Parents



“My favorite product is the FERMENTED COD LIVER OIL/XFBO in cinnamon tingle. I’ve been taking it for years and can’t go without. My kids love it too. It helps keep my skin and health at its best during the winter months.”

Christina R.

“I take the fermented cod liver oil/butter oil capsules and my kids the gel in apple sauce. They’ve taken since babies…no complaints!”

Tristen A.

“Fermented cod liver oil/Butter Oil Capsules are our absolute essentials for the whole family. We’ve been in perfect health always.”

Chris M.

“My favorite Green Pastures product is the fermented cod liver oil/X-Factor butter blend capsules. That is because they’re easy for my children to take without complaining. At our house, we started calling them our “medibles” (edible medicine) a few years ago to reinforce to our children that food should be our medicine. Plus, saying “medibles” was easier than saying “fermented cod liver oil”.”

Amanda P.

“Our family’s favorite Green Pasture product is your Coconut Ghee! It’s such a unique culinary specialty and full of wonderful healthy fats! We love to cook any and all vegetables in it, and it’s great for baking yummy treats too.”

Xandria W.

“Fermented cod liver oil/Butter Oil Capsules are our absolute essentials for the whole family. We’ve been in perfect health always.”

Sylvia S.

“My favorite product is the cod liver oil butter oil combination. We buy it in the chocolate flavored gel. My kids love it! I love it because the gel is a better value than the capsules and it isn’t sweetened with any unhealthy sweeteners.”

Rachel R.

“Our family really enjoys the gel blend fermented cod liver oil. We believe that the cod liver oil provides our family necessary healthy fats and nutrients which this product is *loaded*! Our children look forward to their daily scoop of cod liver oil!”

Rozlynn R.


“My favorite Green Pastures product is the cinnamon tingle fermented cod liver oil. I should say, though, that I recently bought several gallons of coconut oil, and those have been great as well!”

Kristin F.

“I use the Butter Oil, Cod Liver Oil Liquid in the cinnamon tingle every morning, I like the flavor as it covers the oil taste.”

Daisy M.

“I absolutely love the Butter Oil! The taste makes me look forward to having some everyday and makes the immune system boost a bonus. I also enjoy the fermented cod liver oil and butter oil combination. Cinnamon flavor is my favorite. I don’t know anyone else who provides these nutrients in their natural and healthiest form.”

Pat K.

“I love green pasture fermented oils. They are on a different category and can’t be compared to any other fish oil on the market. Thank you for a unique and excellent product. You keep my kid and me healthy.”

Asli B.

“I love the cinnamon and mint flavored fermented cod liver oil. It is hands down the highest quality and best tasting on the market!”

Lisa A.

“I recently tried the coconut oil and ghee combo product, and boy is it yummy! So far we have drizzled it over air popped popcorn and cooked sweet potato hash browns in it. I will order this again as it is not only delicious, but it is healthier than many oils.”

Jessica M.

“My favorite Green Pastures product is easily the Fermented cod liver oil, it has been instrumental in my personal health optimization protocol. It makes a significant difference to me and what I’m aiming to accomplish. Thanks Green Pastures!”

Raf T.

“We use the blue breeze coconut oil. Use it in cooking everyday and as lotion. It is a truly wonderful product.”

A. F.

“I love your fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend capsules! I get the nutrition I am looking for without the nasty aftertaste other cod liver capsules have. It’s great to see that some still hold to great healthy traditions. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”

Dayspring M.

“My favorite Green Pastures product is the fermented cod liver oil and butter blend unflavored gel. I’m constantly recommending it to friends and people I chat with online.”

Tamara F.

“The coconut oil is the best I have found. It’s smooth and amazing to use on the skin and for oral health. It’s the only place we buy it now! I encourage buying the gallon because it’s a great savings and you will find many uses for it!”

Tiffany M.

“I love the fermented cod liver oil/butter oil caps for their super-nutrient density. They are very convenient, and no complaints about strange tastes. I also love the beauty balm for my skin. Thanks for the great products!”

Laura P.

Oral Health

Overall Health

“I have used the Fermented cod liver oil/Butter Oil Capsules for a few years now. I truly believe that they are a huge part of my well-being. I will continue to use them to enjoy may years to come.”

Perry F.

“The Green pasture products I love are the Blue Ice Royal Fermented cod liver oil/Butter Oil Capsules, which is a must for my health and the Beauty Balm for my chapped lips.”

Kim M.

“Cod Liver Oil/Butter capsules are my favorite supplement. I definitely notice a difference in my health and mood while taking these. I would highly recommend this product to anyone.”

John G.

“I love the fermented cod liver oil and butter oil. It is great for my joints, skin and brain.”

Lynne C.

“I take the fermented cod liver butter capsules and enjoy the boost that they give my immune system during these cold months!!”

Brian S.

“I enjoy the fermented blue ice skate liver oil since it supports my brain functioning and relaxes my nervous system. It is the real deal.”

Gil D.

“The Skate Liver Oil is a wonderful product. So good for bones and cartilage. And it has not been heated like other oils on the market….YAY!”

Jeanne B.

“I have been using butter oil and fermented cod liver oil for more then a decade and they continue to support my knees and back. I started because my chiropractor suggested them for swelling in my knees. I found they reduced back problems, but didn’t think they worked for my knees, until I ran out after more then a year and my knees swelled and became a problem. I have continued to continue to gain the positive results of these 2 two products which I use in combination and am very happy with the product.”

Elinor G.

“Love, love, love your Green Pasture Fermented cod liver oil capsules! Both my husband and I have been taking it for a number of years. Our overall health has improved (we are 70 and 77 years old), we have lots of energy and we haven’t gotten even a cold in a number of years. Thank you for your wonderful products!”

Linda D.

“I have used the Fermented cod liver oil/Butter Oil Capsules for years. They are my ‘go to’ supplement for good health.”

Rob G.

“I love Green Pastures Fermented cod liver oil. I’ve been taking it for 7 years and notice the impacts significantly.”

Mindy L.

“I use Green Pasture cod liver especially in the winter. It helps with the winter blahs and helps me stay healthy.”

Sandy H.

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