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WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Giveaway! Recordings of 2019 Wise Traditions Conference

Green Pasture Products celebrates the 20 year anniversary of the Weston A. Price Foundation, and their annual Wise Traditions conference! This year’s theme is “Ancestral Wisdom Meets Modern Science.”


5 of you who follow our instructions below will be randomly chosen to receive the 44 recorded 2019 Wise Traditions presentations as live stream and on demand videos of the conference. You may enjoy them as often as you like with no expiration! ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣Learn about how ancestral wisdom meets modern science … about traditional diets, how to ferment, make broth, heal, read labels, fast intermittently … learn the latest research about hormones, iron, homeopathy, root canals, antidepressants and so much more! If you don’t “win” them, you can use coupon code WESTON50 to receive a 50% discount before October 31. Click on this link:

Enter the Giveaway: 

Let us know in the comments why you’d like to receive these presentations in at least 3 sentences. 

We’ll announce the “winners” here with an update on October 28 by the end of our business day so those who aren’t chosen still have time to purchase at a 50% discount if you’d like! We’ll ask you to supply your preferred email so Fleetwood who records the conferences can hook you up!


Pauline M.

Donna J.

Anne K.

Pei L.

Katie S.



Please understand that once you submit a comment, it is ours to publish or not publish, and to modify if necessary in order to comply with legal requirements. We will not obtain your permission to make these modifications.  We will also respect your privacy and will not publish any more than your first name, middle or last initial, and the date you posted the comment or picture. Thank you for your interest in Green Pasture Products.

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