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2020 Share Your Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of our amazing customers!! 2020 has sure been a year we will never forget! Each and every one of us has been through a unique time this past year dealing with a pandemic on top of our already busy and crazy lives! We would LOVE for you to share with us about your past year, how you have managed to keep your sanity, overcome personal obstacles, or something fun you accomplished! Since we are asking you to share with us, we thought it might be fun to share with you. A few staff here at Green Pasture had this to say:

“Since March I have been grocery shopping for my parents. I do it to protect them now that they are in their golden years and might not survive a Covid-19 infection. This is no easy task since we live in a small town, and the two grocery stores struggle to keep items on their shelves and fresh produce in their bins. It is draining and demanding of me; however, seeing my parents, and the relief on their faces when we deliver their weekly groceries warms my heart, and reminds me how lucky I am that they are still here with me.”


“Hi all! My name is Regina, and I am in accounting. My husband and I have 8 kids. One has graduated from college and is out in the working world. Three of our kids are currently in college. About the time the pandemic hit, classes went online, so all of our college kids were home for extended periods of time. We also moved into a different home during that time. The other 4 of our kids are in jr high and high school, and were also having online classes from home. It was a whole lot of change very suddenly (lots of internet usage in a rural setting!). My husband experienced increased working hours in his line of work. This mama was sure happy to have most of our kids home for that extended period of time! Thankfully, we enjoyed good health throughout, thus far. As the end of the year approaches, we find it is a good time to reflect on the previous year, and focus especially on the blessings gained from any challenges we encountered during the year.”


“2020 has been full of plenty of craziness but my family did still find some positivity! We welcomed our second child in May and have been beyond happy with how well she fits in with our household. Nobody in our family has gotten sick, we never had to miss work, and we still have a home that we love, food on the table, and a great life! We are looking forward to an even better 2021, and hope that everyone finds ways to make this next year better than 2020.”


“My husband and I are so thankful for so many things that 2020 has given us. We welcomed our son into this world in July and we couldn’t be more in love with him. We are very fortunate to live in a very rural area where we can take walks and spend time outside. This year has taught us that as long as you have your health- you have everything!”


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